Course Prerequisite:
- Basic knowledge on programming
- Basic knowledge on Electronic Components
Course Curricula:
Day -1: Session -1
- Introduction to Arduino
- Arduino Board and I/O description
- Overview of electronics components and sensors
- Installing Arduino IDE
- Structure of Arduino sketeches
Day -1: Session -2
- Arduino code syntax (loop, If else statement, function etc…)
- Writing a Simple Program
- Programming with digital I/O (switch & LED)
- Wiring up LEDs and turning them on and off
- Wiring up switches and push buttons
- Events and Actions - Deciding what to do when a button is pressed or a switch is turned on
- Timers and Their Uses
- Doing more fancy things with multiple buttons and multiple LEDs
Day-2: Session-1
- Programming with analog I/OAnalog to Digital Conversion
- Configuring pins for analog input
- Capturing analog values
- Reading a variable potentiometer by measuring the voltage across it
- representing an integer value in binary
- displaying an integer value in binary using a bank of LEDs
- Controlling power output using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- The Arduino analog output as a PWM output
- Using PWM to vary the intensity of an LED
- Using a variable potentiometer to dim and brighten LEDs by converting its resistance to a suitable PWM analog output value
- Driving devices
- Low voltage DC motors
- Relays
Day-2: Session-2
- Serial communicationsIntroduction to RS232
- How the RS232 port of the Arduino microcontroller communicates with the PC over a USB connection
- Using RS232 for communication between an Arduino and a PC
- Interfacing EEPROM with Arduino
- Interfacing LCD Display with Arduino
- Various Arduino shield
- Projects/Assignments
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